Heraklion Archaeological Museum Verified

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Archaeological MuseumThe Archaeological Museum of Heraklion, being relatively recent renovated (2014), is located within the Heraklion city and is considered to be one of the most important and most visited museums in Greece and throughout Europe. It is rightly considered as the museum of Minoan Civilization worldwide.

The first attempt for collecting the archaeological exhibits dates back to 1883 and is due to the doctor and chairman of the Educational Association of Heraklion, Joseph Hatzidakis, who managed to secure the authorization of the Ottoman government in order for the first “Archaeological Service” to be established.

The building in which the Archaeological Museum is housed was built between1933-1937 by architect Patroklos Karantinos on the site of the Venetian monastery of Saint-Francis which was destroyed by an earthquake in 1856.The first exhibition of collections of antiquities being donated by citizens (1904 – 1907), was exhibited in this building. At the beginning of the Second World War (1939), the collections were in danger but thanks to Professor N. Platon they survived until 1952 when the Archaeological Museum functioned properly.

Archaeological MuseumThe museum consists of 27 rooms in which the visitor can see the unique collections of the Minoan Civilization such as inscriptions, clay figurines, mosaics, frescoes and architectural sculptures and statues. All these collections record the development and supremacy of the Minoan civilization dating back to the 10th BC century until the 3rd BC century.

The Archaeological Museum of Heraklion, in collaboration with scientific and research institutions, studies, records and preserves the exhibits. In addition, it organizes and participates in exhibitions in Greece and abroad thus contributing to the promotion and deepest knowledge of the Greek history worldwide.

Administrative Information
Heraklion Archaeological Museum
Xanthoudidou Street 2,
Τ.Κ. 71202, Heraklion (Prefecture of Heraklion)
Telephone: +30 2810 279000, +30 2810 279002, +30 2810 279087
FAX: +30 2810 279001

Should you need additional information please visit the relevant page of the Ministry of Culture

  • Travel activities CULTURAL, Museum
  • Location Heraklion
  • Listing categories CULTURAL